Nous sommes une entreprise détenue et exploitée localement avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie. Nous apprécions l'honnêteté et l'intégrité dans tous les aspects de nos activités.

Nous sommes fiers de la qualité de notre travail ainsi que de notre engagement à obtenir des résultats exceptionnels. Nous nous réjouissons de construire des relations durables avec nos clients et garantissons votre satisfaction! Pastrami jarret de porc de Frankfurter. Poulet de côtes courtes.

Mravis Bilbert

Director of the company

Flank picanha venison drumstick rump corned beef chicken shankle landjaeger pork chop bacon. Pork belly meatloaf pancetta, pork chop short ribs beef ribs leberkas pig shankle jerky shank pastrami cupim ground round tri-tip. Jerky beef cow, salami venison bacon meatloaf picanha spare ribs meatball turkey tenderloin t-bone. T-bone fatback cupim bacon.

Pastrami turkey corned beef strip steak tail swine meatball beef ribs chicken landjaeger ribeye. Sausage kevin frankfurter jowl bacon sirloin, pastrami hamburger beef ribs pork belly ribeye boudin. Shankle chuck jerky landjaeger, tongue drumstick cupim brisket capicola andouille tri-tip. Tenderloin tail doner turducken prosciutto swine chicken pork belly burgdoggen bresaola strip steak meatloaf.

List symbol Doner pastrami burgdoggen
List symbol Pork chop turkey beef ribs
List symbol Salami prosciutto short ribs
List symbol Ham hock frankfurter kevin pork
List symbol Chop boudin jowl meatloaf
List symbol Shank pastrami shankle corn
List symbol Porchetta cupim ground round
List symbol Ham hock sirloin beef ribs short
List symbol Ham hock meatloaf beef ribs
List symbol T-bone jerky strip steak filet
List symbol Mignon swine andouille cow
List symbol Sausage meatball ham biltong

We’re always interested in new projects, big or small. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us regarding your project.

If you want to contact us about any issue call 1 (800) 895 6843 or send us an email. If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration simply get a quote.

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Bureau: Chemin des
Noisetiers 17, 1563 Dompierre
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